Wondering whether Croton leaves can grow back?
The Croton plant is known for its beautiful leaves, as the leaves add more value to this plant. But like any other plant, this plant can also shed its leaves due to various reasons.
In the following guide, I have talked about this topic in detail. So, let’s dive into it and find out whether you can revive the plant from this stage.

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Will Croton Leaves Grow Back?
Yes, Croton leaves do grow back, and the plant will surely get back to its standard shape and size. However, it all depends on the condition of the plant, the type of bugs, or any other issues existing on the plant.
You will need to know these things before fixing the leaf drop or related problems in the plant.
As for the revival process, there are many ways through which you can achieve this task.
To understand this better, let’s take a look at the next section.
Note: The damaged leaves will not grow back, as the plant discards such leaves to come up with new growth in the future.
How To Get Croton To Grow New Leaves
Here’s a list of things you can do to grow back the leaves on this plant –
1. Assess The Problem In Your Croton Plant
Assessing the condition of your plant is quite important at this stage. If you go wrong here, the revival process might become lengthier.
Sometimes, you may not even be able to rescue your plant from this situation. So, it’s pretty necessary to think through and find out the real cause of this issue.
For this, you can look at the leaves, stems, and surface of the soil. Inspect these things carefully, and try to find out what’s causing the leaves to fall off the plant.
If you are a beginner, check out the following list of issues that usually cause the leaf drop –
- Overwatering
- Underwatering
- Too much sunlight
- Overfertilizing
- Aging
Once you figure it out, use the suggestions shared below to address this issue more effectively.
2. Prune The Damaged And Yellow Croton Leaves
If your Croton plant is doing fine and has no pre-existing condition, you can use this technique to encourage more leaves on the plant.
Pruning will send a signal to the plant system to produce new leaves immediately. However, don’t expect magical results in a couple of weeks.

The plant will be in stress mode after the pruning process. So, you will have to give it at least 3-4 weeks or more to produce new leaves on its stem.
While performing this task, make sure you remove the leaves that are either damaged or turned yellow due to some reason. These leaves are not going to help the plant in any way, and they will eventually fall off the plant.
Hence, you should just cut them off instead of waiting for a few more weeks.
Also, when you are pruning your plant, do not remove all the leaves. You can perform this task in a couple of weeks, as it will help reduce the effect of a sudden shock on the plant.
3. Place It In Indirect Bright Sunlight
Croton needs bright and indirect sunlight for its optimum growth.
So, you must find a place in your home or office where it can receive ample sunlight throughout the day. The plant needs at least 3-4 hours of sunlight to thrive and grow well.
If you can provide good sunlight to this plant, you will see an improvement in the plant’s growth. The leaves will also start looking more fresh and vibrant in general once they receive enough sunlight.
3. Provide A Humid Environment To The Plant
Croton is one such plant that requires enough humidity around it. There aren’t many indoor plants that like humidity, but Croton is an exception.
So, try to find a place where it can receive an adequate humid environment.
If you can’t find an appropriate place for the plant, you can keep it on your patio or balcony in the morning and move it inside later. This is another way of ensuring the plant gets enough sunlight and humidity at the same time.
4. Water The Plant Adequately
Watering is another major factor that can help revive your plant quickly.
If you haven’t watered the plant in a while, you can water it once a week or so. Check for the soil condition before watering the plant, though.
If the soil is wet or the surface layer has not dried out properly, you shouldn’t water such a plant.
In this case, you can wait for a few days and water it later. Also, you shouldn’t be overwatering the plant.
5. Fertilize The Plant At Regular Intervals
Although it is an indoor plant, you can fertilize it with some general-purpose fertilizers. These fertilizers will boost the plant to produce new leaves in a quick time.
That said, you shouldn’t be overfertilizing the plant at any stage.
Otherwise, it might cause more harm than good to the plant.
If you have never fertilized the plant, you can do so at the time of the watering session in the morning or evening. Avoid fertilizing in the summer heat or afternoon, as it may cause root burn and leaf burn issues in your Croton plant.
6. Observe The Plant For A Few Days
The new gardeners tend to expect quick results in their gardens.
Well, it never happens in the gardening world, and it’s not going to happen in this case either. You shouldn’t expect the plant to grow back new leaves or stems fast in a few days or weeks.
Instead, you should spend your time observing any possible signs of new growth and how the plant reacts to your care practices.
Ultimately, you will see some great results on your plants. So, observe the plant well and be patient.
If the plant doesn’t do well, you can always correct the measures and try to revive it from the same stage.
You can watch the following video to learn more about the above revival tips.
There is nothing much you can do when the leaves begin to fall off. The only way to address this issue is by understanding its root cause.
Once you know the exact problem, you can think of resolving the issue from your plant.
Apart from that, you should immediately stop overwatering the plant. It’s the one thing that can cause many issues, including the leaf drop in your plant.
Yes, it does grow new leaves once it gets the desired conditions in the pot. So, you will need to take care of the plant properly to see such growth in a few weeks.
It can take up to a few weeks to months, depending on the condition of the plant. If the plant is already under stress, it will take a longer time to produce new leaves.
To revive a Croton plant, you will need to know the exact cause of the problem.
Once you know the real cause, you can work on the lighting requirements, watering schedule, fertilizers, environment, etc. These are the few things that play a crucial role in reviving the plant.
So, make sure you work on them and see how the plant reacts to the new changes.
My friend cut a piece of her croton plant and gave to me. However I put it in water to root and it hasn’t rooted. Now all the leaves fell off. How can I save the plant?
Hey Carmen,
I think it’s too late to save the plant. You will have to try rooting a new piece soon.
Deer ate most of the leaves of my croton which was on my covered front porch. Will the plant be able to recover?
Hey Jo,
It is possible for the plant to recover, but it will likely require some time and effort on your part.
Deer tend to prefer young, tender leaves, so if the plant has any new growth, that may be a good place to start.
Keep an eye on the plant and if you see any new growth, protect it with some sort of fencing or netting.
You may also want to try using a deer repellent to keep them away from the plant.
Hi everyone,
I desperately need an advice on my Croton Gold Dust. I left it unwatered for 5 days, when I returned home all the leaves were completely dry. Now all that’s left is the stem (a thick one, it had the shape of a tree), but when I scratch it, it’s green underneath. Can it grow new leaves without any existing ones? Can it regenerate without photosynthesis? I don’t want to throw it away. Can someone tell me if it can be saved?
Many thanks!
Hi Raluca,
It’s very difficult to grow new leaves on a plant that already has no leaves on it.
So, the best thing to do is water the plant and see if it will recover.
If not, it is likely that the plant will need to be replaced.
I have a croton that got too cold this winter (I live in Montana), even inside. Can I revive it from the roots and stem (all the leaves fell off or drooped terribly!)? Or should I toss it and start over with a new plant? Thanks so much!
Hey Bethany,
You can surely try to revive this plant. Don’t throw it away just yet.
If the stem and roots are sturdy in the pot, you can move the pot near a window where it can receive sufficient sunlight in the morning.
The revival process may take longer, so you just need to be patient for a while.
Also, don’t forget to water the plant. Don’t let the soil dry out completely.
I had a croton go completely bald (cold weather as well). I brought it into my bathroom with get bright indirect light and is typically warmer and most humid in my house. After about 6 weeks I noticed little green buds. Now I have about 11-12 bright green healthy leaves growing in, the largest around 2 inches or more! Don’t give up!
Really a good insight on crotons.
How can I get to other articles on plants published by you .
Hey Sandeep,
Thank you for your appreciation. I’m glad you liked this guide on crotons.
You can find other articles on the homepage of this website. Do let me know if you’re looking for anything specific for your indoor plants.