Snake plant fungus is one of the most well-known issues in this type of indoor plant.
There are many varieties of fungi that can be found on these plants, which mainly include –
- Red Spots
- Brown Spots
- Yellow Spots
- White Spots
- Southern Blight
So, if you are facing any one of these issues, check out the following guide.
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5 Reasons Why Snake Plant Gets Fungus Problem
Here are some of the reasons why the Snake plant catches fungus –
1. Overwatering
Although overwatering is not a direct cause of fungus in Snake plants, it can surely weaken the plant.
As you know, weak plants attract many issues sooner rather than later. Therefore, it’s not a good idea to neglect this cause, especially when your Snake plant is young and thriving.
2. Infrequent Watering
Do you want your Snake plant regularly?
If not, it can again weaken the plant’s system and will attract more such issues. So, infrequent watering is another important reason why you might see a Snake plant fungus on the plant.
3. Weather Conditions
In general, the Snake plant is quite tolerant of difficult weather conditions. But if you expose the plant to such conditions for a long period, the plant might become weak.
And when we talk about the weather conditions, it applies to both sides of temperatures.
Whether it’s too cold, too hot, or too humid outside, the plant will be affected adversely. Once the plant weakens, it will be a host to many issues, including the common fungus problem.
4. Overuse Of Fertilizers
Fertilizers are meant to support the growth of your plant.
But at times, we overfeed the plant, thinking it might result in exceptional growth.
Well, it doesn’t work that way! If you overfertilize the plant, it will have negative effects on the plant. In fact, it might even attract fungus and harmful bacteria due to the weakened system.
5. Companion Plants
Apart from the natural conditions, your Snake plant can also get fungus from a companion plant on the patio or living room.
Since these plant issues are quite easy to transfer from one plant to another, you shouldn’t be surprised if your Snake plant gets it from another plant. So, it could be another possibility of attracting fungus to the plant.
Alright, now, let’s take a look at the ways to fix this fungal problem.
How To Fix Snake Plant Fungus
Before we look into the fixes, you should always remember that it’s not easy to eradicate this issue. You will have to use the trial and error method to see which method or technique works best for your plant.
1. Remove The Affected Leaves
If you see a fungal problem on your Snake plant leaves, it’s better to remove the leaves entirely. It could be a Red Spot or Brown Spot on the leaves.
However, the best way to tackle this issue is to remove the affected leaf from the plant. This way, you will prevent the fungus from spreading all across your plant.
2. Change The Soil
If the plant is affected by the Snake plant fungus, you can remove the old soil and replace it with a new batch of soil.
Also, do not use the removed soil in any other plants. You should discard such soil completely, as it might spread the same issue to other indoor plants.
Apart from that, you should also rinse the plant with water. Remove the fungus from the affected leaves and roots of the plant.
Now, once you change the soil of your Snake plant, make sure you water the plant thoroughly. There is no need to fertilize the plant initially.
You can observe the plant’s growth for a couple of weeks. If it looks good, you can feed the fertilizer on a regular basis.
Note: As soon as you change the soil, keep the plant in a place where it gets decent sunlight and airflow. Both these factors are important in avoiding the recurrence of Snake plant fungus.
3. Maintain Airflow
As mentioned above, airflow plays a significant role in growing your plants. It also helps in keeping the plant dry, especially the leaves and stems.
When these parts remain dry, you automatically ensure no fungal growth on the plant’s surface.
You should also avoid keeping the plant in the bathroom, as the humidity levels are generally high in such places. If possible, keep the plant in a well-lit living room. It will fix any minor fungus issue on your Snake plant.
4. Provide Sufficient Sunlight
The next thing is to ensure the plant gets enough sunlight.
Yes, it’s an indoor plant, but it’d be great if you could provide at least some sunlight to this plant. I’d recommend you place the Snake plant in such a place where it can receive a couple of hours of morning sunlight.
It will prevent any fungal growth on the plant’s surface, especially on the leaves.
5. Avoid Watering In The Evening
When you water the plant in the evening, the topsoil remains moist for a really long time.
And that’s not a good sign for you, as it can easily attract fungal growth to the plant. So, if you’ve been watering the plant in the evening, you can change the schedule to early morning hours.
6. Fungicides
Fungicides are quite effective in dealing with fungus issues in indoor plants.
But personally, I don’t like to use them too much. If you use them in moderate quantities, you might see some exciting results.
7. Neem Oil
Neem oil is the most effective tool to combat issues caused by fungus and bacteria on your indoor plants. It works pretty much like magic and will also have no adverse effects on the plant.
As for the application, prepare a dilute mixture of Neem oil and spray it once a week for optimum results.
On that note, these are the 7 effective ways to tackle the Snake plant fungus issue. In the next section, let’s dive into some of the frequently asked questions by the readers.
The best way to find out more about it is by looking at the leaves. If the leaves are drooping and look dull, you know it’s time to water the plant again.
Alternatively, you can also touch the soil with your fingers. If it seems too dry, you can water the plant thoroughly.
Apart from that, you can also lift the pot if it’s a small-sized pot. The pot will feel extremely light if there is not much water content in it. And if that’s the case, do provide some water to your plant.
Yes, you can mist the Snake Plant without any issues. However, make sure you do it during the summer only.
If you mist it during the winter or rainy seasons, the plant might attract unwanted issues like red spots, orange spots, etc. Also, overwatering can easily damage the root system of the plant.
Snake Plant is one of those plants that doesn’t require a lot of fertilizer. This plant also thrives in slightly acidic soil.
So, if you plan to provide some coffee grounds to it, it won’t mind at all.
However, if you want to see more vigorous growth for your Snake plant, use a general-purpose fertilizer or vermicompost.
Overwatering is the root cause of permanent damage to the Snake plant. Hence, if you feel there is something wrong with the plant, you should provide less water.
Also, place it near the window where it can receive a good amount of sunlight.
Well, you can cut brown tips off your Snake plant. But it won’t fix the brown tip issue completely.
Also, the plant won’t look great if there are no tips to its leaves. The brown tip or brown leaf problem is a result of infrequent watering.
If you don’t water the plant regularly, it might develop this type of problem. And it is important to note that it won’t go away if you remove the tips.
Ultimately, the leaf will die in a few weeks, and you will probably have to wait for new growth. So, overall, don’t cut off the brown tips if they are not ruining the decor of your house.
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