Is your Aloe plant turning light green?
The Aloe plant is one of the hardy plants in the indoor gardening world.
But still, its leaves can be affected by several issues that are pretty much common in every indoor plant.
And one of those issues is the change in color of the leaves!
So, how do you tackle this issue?
Let’s find out in the following guide.

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Why Is My Aloe Plant Turning Light Green?
Unlike most other issues, the light green leaves on your Aloe plant are not a major concern.
As I mentioned earlier, this happens due to some common reasons that I have listed below.
So, let’s quickly take a look at them.
1. You Have A Relatively Young Plant With New Leaves
Did you recently buy a new Aloe vera plant?
If yes, there is no issue with the plant.
Generally, when you get new plants in the house, they do look slightly lighter green.
This happens because of the difference in environmental conditions.
When these plants grow in garden centers, they get a controlled environment.
However, when you bring them home, they get exposed to natural conditions.
So, this could be the reason why you have light green leaves on the Aloe plant.
The other thing is the new growth of the plant.
When the plant produces new leaves, these leaves will not have a perfect green shade.
They will always look light green, so you don’t have to worry about it at all.
These leaves will get the perfect color as the plants grow bigger.
2. Keep Your Aloe Plant In Direct Sunlight
This is the main reason for this issue in your Aloe plant.
When the plant gets excessive sunlight, it tends to affect its leaves.
Due to this, the leaves begin to lose their natural color and turn light green or pale in the process.
So, if you have kept the plant on your patio or balcony, it’s likely to be the cause of this issue.
This type of issue also happens during the summertime, as the overall conditions become a bit harsh for the plant.
3. You Haven’t Watered Your Aloe In A Long Time
Underwatering can be a reason for light green leaves on the Aloe plant.
When you leave the plant without water for too long, it can hurt its leaves.
In this phase, the plant will focus more on survival than anything else.
Hence, you might also see shriveled or wrinkled leaves on the plant.
If the same situation persists for even longer, the plant will have a tough time coping with the stress.
Eventually, it will succumb to a lack of resources.
4. You Haven’t Fertilized Your Aloe In A While
Do you see the light green leaves on an overgrown Aloe plant?
If you have ruled out the above possibilities, this could be the reason for it.
Many times we believe that this plant doesn’t require a lot of water and fertilization.
Well, it might be true to a certain extent, but it doesn’t mean you should neglect the plant completely.
When you neglect the plant for a long period and don’t feed enough fertilizers, you will surely see discoloration in its leaves.
This is typical behavior from the plant.
So, don’t be surprised when you see a different shade of color on your plant’s leaves.
Now, in the next section, I have shared some tips to fix this issue in the Aloe plant.
I’m sure you will find them useful.
How To Get The Right Green Color For Aloe Leaves
Here’s what you need to do to revive your Aloe plant –
1. Do Not Keep It In Harsh Sunlight
As I said earlier, harsh direct sunlight is the most obvious reason for turning Aloe plant leaves light green.
Hence, the best thing you can do in this situation is to move the plant inside the room.
But make sure it receives partial sunlight for most of the day.
Since the Aloe plant thrives in sunlight, you need to consider the location accordingly.
If you have kept the plant on the windowsill, you can either keep it on some other room’s windowsill or move it inside entirely.
This way, you will continue to grow your plant at a standard rate, and that too without affecting the sunlight requirement of the Aloe Vera plant.
Note: In most cases, you will experience this issue in late spring or summer.
It is because the sun shines at high intensity during this season.
So, you must plan accordingly before this season arrives each year.
2. Water Your Plant Regularly
Yes, the Aloe Vera plant belongs to a succulent family and grows well in desert conditions.
Also, the plant has adapted itself to store enough water in its leaves.
Even if you consider all these factors, the fact is that it won’t survive without water.
It needs a regular supply of water so that it can prepare food for the entire system.
Without water, you can’t expect to have green fleshy leaves on your Aloe plant.
The lack of water supply will have adverse effects on the plant, which I’ve already discussed in the earlier section.
So, it’s quite important to provide water to your plants, and this is also true for indoor plants.
But what should be the ideal watering frequency for this plant?
Well, if you are not sure when to water your plant, you can water it every week or so.
For an indoor plant, you may decrease the frequency to 12-15 days.
In winter, you should decrease the frequency even further, as the plant won’t need much water during this period.
For more confirmation, you can check the moisture content in the soil before watering the plant.
3. Fertilize The Aloe Vera Plant
Fertilizers play a crucial role in the growth of each plant.
Without them, your plants will not display vigorous growth.
As for the Aloe Vera plant, it doesn’t require a lot of fertilizers.
You can feed this plant every 3-4 months, and that should be good enough for it.
For fertilizer, you can choose any general-purpose fertilizer for this plant.
Aloe Vera doesn’t ask for any special fertilizers, as it mostly grows leaves throughout its lifetime.
You can also use some homemade compost or vermicompost, which will help grow fresh green leaves on the plant.
4. Harvest Some Old Leaves
Yes, you can also harvest some of the older leaves on the plant.
When you harvest the leaves or prune the plant, it comes under a bit of stress.
As a result, you will see new leaves on the plant in a few weeks.
Thus, it makes sense to go ahead and remove some of the leaves from the plant.
While performing this task, you should only remove the leaves that are either damaged or turned pale.
Do not harvest fresh leaves because these leaves will produce more food in the absence of harvested leaves.
Now, let’s quickly take a look at the FAQs below.
It could be because of a lack of sunlight or excessive use of fertilizers.
The tips of your Aloe plant turn yellow due to the infrequent watering.
If you water your plant once in a while, it will have an impact on the plant.
Moreover, the yellow tips issue is pretty much irreversible, and you will have to wait for the new growth to see them in proper shape, size, and color.
As discussed in the guide, the leaves turn light green due to excessive sunlight, underwatering, and overfertilizing.
All these conditions are detrimental to a plant’s growth.
This issue is also irreversible, and you won’t be able to turn the light green leaves into their original colors.
Not really!
The Aloe plant needs natural light for 5-6 hours, but it doesn’t require direct sunlight.
It can grow in indirect light and partially shaded places too.
You can water your Aloe every week.
If the conditions are not favorable, you must adjust the frequency accordingly.
You will have to water more often for outdoor plants as evaporation takes place quite frequently in such locations.
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